[PATCH 2/5][FWTS-TEST] arg-show-tests-0001: update log to keep in sync with fwts

Colin King colin.king at canonical.com
Tue Jan 15 10:45:06 UTC 2013

From: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>

fwts added some extra spacing in the output and also added a new
test uefirtmisc, so update this test to keep in sync with fwts

Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>
 arg-show-tests-0001/arg-show-tests-0001.log | 119 ++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arg-show-tests-0001/arg-show-tests-0001.log b/arg-show-tests-0001/arg-show-tests-0001.log
index 5be9322..3c6fbef 100644
--- a/arg-show-tests-0001/arg-show-tests-0001.log
+++ b/arg-show-tests-0001/arg-show-tests-0001.log
@@ -1,68 +1,69 @@
 Batch tests:
- acpiinfo      General ACPI information check.
- acpitables    ACPI table settings sanity checks.
- apicedge      APIC Edge/Level Check.
- apicinstance  Check for single instance of APIC/MADT table.
- aspm          PCIe ASPM check.
- bios32        Check BIOS32 Service Directory.
- bios_info     Gather BIOS DMI information.
- checksum      Check ACPI table checksum.
- cpufreq       CPU frequency scaling tests (takes ~1-2 mins).
- crs           Check PCI host bridge configuration using _CRS.
- csm           Check for UEFI Compatibility Support Module.
- cstates       Check processor C state support.
- dmar          Check sane DMA Remapping (VT-d).
- dmi_decode    Test DMI/SMBIOS tables for errors.
- ebda          Validate EBDA region is mapped and reserved in memory map table.
- fadt          FADT SCI_EN enabled check.
- fan           Simple Fan Tests.
- hda_audio     Check HDA Audio Pin Configs.
- hpet_check    HPET configuration test.
- klog          Scan kernel log for errors and warnings.
- maxfreq       Check max CPU frequencies against max scaling frequency.
- maxreadreq    Checks firmware has set PCI Express MaxReadReq to a higher value on non-motherboard devices.
- mcfg          MCFG PCI Express* memory mapped config space.
- method        ACPI DSDT Method Semantic Tests.
- microcode     Check if system is using latest microcode.
- mpcheck       Check MultiProcessor Tables.
- msr           MSR register tests.
- mtrr          MTRR validation.
- nx            Test if CPU NX is disabled by the BIOS.
- oops          Scan kernel log for Oopses.
- os2gap        OS/2 memory hole test.
- osilinux      Disassemble DSDT to check for _OSI("Linux").
- pcc           Processor Clocking Control (PCC) Test.
- pciirq        Check PCI IRQ Routing Table.
- pnp           Check BIOS Support Installation structure.
- smbios        Check SMBIOS.
- syntaxcheck   Re-assemble DSDT and find syntax errors and warnings.
- version       Gather kernel system information.
- virt          Test CPU Virtualisation Configuration.
- wakealarm     Test ACPI Wakealarm.
- wmi           Extract and analyse Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
+ acpiinfo        General ACPI information check.
+ acpitables      ACPI table settings sanity checks.
+ apicedge        APIC Edge/Level Check.
+ apicinstance    Check for single instance of APIC/MADT table.
+ aspm            PCIe ASPM check.
+ bios32          Check BIOS32 Service Directory.
+ bios_info       Gather BIOS DMI information.
+ checksum        Check ACPI table checksum.
+ cpufreq         CPU frequency scaling tests (takes ~1-2 mins).
+ crs             Check PCI host bridge configuration using _CRS.
+ csm             Check for UEFI Compatibility Support Module.
+ cstates         Check processor C state support.
+ dmar            Check sane DMA Remapping (VT-d).
+ dmi_decode      Test DMI/SMBIOS tables for errors.
+ ebda            Validate EBDA region is mapped and reserved in memory map table.
+ fadt            FADT SCI_EN enabled check.
+ fan             Simple Fan Tests.
+ hda_audio       Check HDA Audio Pin Configs.
+ hpet_check      HPET configuration test.
+ klog            Scan kernel log for errors and warnings.
+ maxfreq         Check max CPU frequencies against max scaling frequency.
+ maxreadreq      Checks firmware has set PCI Express MaxReadReq to a higher value on non-motherboard devices.
+ mcfg            MCFG PCI Express* memory mapped config space.
+ method          ACPI DSDT Method Semantic Tests.
+ microcode       Check if system is using latest microcode.
+ mpcheck         Check MultiProcessor Tables.
+ msr             MSR register tests.
+ mtrr            MTRR validation.
+ nx              Test if CPU NX is disabled by the BIOS.
+ oops            Scan kernel log for Oopses.
+ os2gap          OS/2 memory hole test.
+ osilinux        Disassemble DSDT to check for _OSI("Linux").
+ pcc             Processor Clocking Control (PCC) Test.
+ pciirq          Check PCI IRQ Routing Table.
+ pnp             Check BIOS Support Installation structure.
+ smbios          Check SMBIOS.
+ syntaxcheck     Re-assemble DSDT and find syntax errors and warnings.
+ version         Gather kernel system information.
+ virt            Test CPU Virtualisation Configuration.
+ wakealarm       Test ACPI Wakealarm.
+ wmi             Extract and analyse Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
 Interactive tests:
- ac_adapter    Interactive ac_adapter power test.
- battery       Battery Tests.
- brightness    Interactive LCD brightness test.
- hotkey        Hotkey scan code tests.
- lid           Interactive lid button test.
- power_button  Interactive power_button button test.
+ ac_adapter      Interactive ac_adapter power test.
+ battery         Battery Tests.
+ brightness      Interactive LCD brightness test.
+ hotkey          Hotkey scan code tests.
+ lid             Interactive lid button test.
+ power_button    Interactive power_button button test.
 Power States tests:
- s3            S3 suspend/resume test.
- s3power       S3 power loss during suspend test (takes minimum of 10 minutes to run).
- s4            S4 hibernate/resume test.
+ s3              S3 suspend/resume test.
+ s3power         S3 power loss during suspend test (takes minimum of 10 minutes to run).
+ s4              S4 hibernate/resume test.
- acpidump      Dump ACPI tables.
- cmosdump      Dump CMOS Memory.
- ebdadump      Dump EBDA region.
- memmapdump    Dump system memory map.
- mpdump        Dump MultiProcessor Data.
- romdump       Dump ROM data.
- uefidump      Dump UEFI variables.
+ acpidump        Dump ACPI tables.
+ cmosdump        Dump CMOS Memory.
+ ebdadump        Dump EBDA region.
+ memmapdump      Dump system memory map.
+ mpdump          Dump MultiProcessor Data.
+ romdump         Dump ROM data.
+ uefidump        Dump UEFI variables.
 Unsafe tests:
- uefirttime    UEFI Runtime service time interface tests.
- uefirtvariabl UEFI Runtime service variable interface tests.
+ uefirtmisc      UEFI miscellaneous runtime service interface tests.
+ uefirttime      UEFI Runtime service time interface tests.
+ uefirtvariable  UEFI Runtime service variable interface tests.

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