Ubuntu Font Family 0.80 released - with Ubuntu Mono

Paul Sladen sladen at canonical.com
Thu Sep 29 13:23:19 UTC 2011

Hello all,

Ubuntu Font Family version 0.80 has been released, download the .zip from:


This is made available under the Ubuntu Font Licence 1.0, you are 
expressly encourage to share, modify and remix.  Source code and 
licensing details can be found on the website above.

Release notes and changelogs for this 0.80 release can be found at:


This release adds five new .ttf files, the major additions being:

   Ubuntu Condensed (×1)
     primarily drawn by Amélie Bonet & Fernando Caro at Dalton Maag
   Ubuntu Mono (×4)
     primarily drawn by Amélie Bonet and engineered by Malcolm Wooden at 
Dalton Maag
     work-in-progress hinting work by Jason Campbell, and Vincent 
Connare at Dalton Maag.

Thank you to Cody Boisclair & Júlio Reis for their contributions, to all 
the testers within Ubuntu and Canonical, and finally to the whole team 
at Dalton Maag for making this release happen.  We hope you enjoy it!

   -Paul Sladen

Ubuntu Font Family feedback welcomed (as always) to:


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