Confusing data from cool new Epoptes benchmarking tool
David Groos
djgroos at
Sun Oct 25 14:44:11 UTC 2015
Thanks Alkis! This is looking like I'll have to study/backup a bit deeper
so I'll be testing this on this upcoming Thur/Fri after school. Quick
question, I found this page: Will I need to make
any adjustments for 14.04.3?
David G
> Adjusting pxelinux.cfg/default for Ubuntu 12.04
> (cat <<EOFipappend 3EOF) | sudo tee -a /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default
> Additional step for 12.04
> Installing ltsp-server does not install tftpd-hpa, which is a necessary
> component needed in order to load tftp images to the client computers upon
> pxe boot. The tftpd-hpa program listens on port 69, therefore in order to
> transfer the ltsp image files to the clients it must be installed. There is
> no additional configuring to do once it is installed. APT should install
> and start the program, you do not have to "ltsp-update-image", the syntax:
> sudo apt-get install tftpd-hpa
On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 11:08 AM, David <djgroos at> wrote:
> Will try this evening, thanks! David
> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Alkis Georgopoulos
> Date:10/24/2015 7:20 AM (GMT-06:00)
> To: edubuntu-users at
> Subject: Re: Confusing data from cool new Epoptes benchmarking tool
> On 24/10/2015 06:06 πμ, David Groos wrote:
> > Clue? the slow-booting computers take a loooong time to get an address
> > from DHCP. Any ideas?
> Hi David,
> 1) Temporarily try with ipappend 3 in pxelinux.cfg/default (google for
> instructions). This will eliminate the DHCP delay and let you compare
> the boot times more easily.
> 2) If your router has 4 LAN ports, use it as your "main switch", i.e.
> connect all the other switches directly to the router, don't chain them.
> 3) What are the client specs? Better CPUs boot faster...
> 4) Bootchart can measure boot time delays.
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