Confusing data from cool new Epoptes benchmarking tool

David djgroos at
Sat Oct 24 16:08:26 UTC 2015

Will try this evening, thanks! David

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Alkis Georgopoulos <alkisg at> </div><div>Date:10/24/2015  7:20 AM  (GMT-06:00) </div><div>To: edubuntu-users at </div><div>Subject: Re: Confusing data from cool new Epoptes benchmarking tool </div><div>
</div>On 24/10/2015 06:06 πμ, David Groos wrote:
> Clue? the slow-booting computers take a loooong time to get an address
> from DHCP. Any ideas?

Hi David,

1) Temporarily try with ipappend 3 in pxelinux.cfg/default (google for 
instructions). This will eliminate the DHCP delay and let you compare 
the boot times more easily.

2) If your router has 4 LAN ports, use it as your "main switch", i.e. 
connect all the other switches directly to the router, don't chain them.

3) What are the client specs? Better CPUs boot faster...

4) Bootchart can measure boot time delays.

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