[Edubuntu] For shared (project team) folder, ACLs change group of moved-in files?

John Hupp edubuntu at prpcompany.com
Wed Jan 23 22:23:43 UTC 2013

On 1/23/2013 1:35 PM, Alkis Georgopoulos wrote:
> Στις 23/01/2013 08:21 μμ, ο/η John Hupp έγραψε:
>> Can someone say more about this?
> For Greek schools, we've decided to use bindfs for this:
> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/bindfs
> Example call:
> bindfs -u 1000 --create-for-user=1000 -g 1003 --create-for-group=1003 -p
> 770,af-x --chown-deny --chgrp-deny --chmod-deny /home/Shared/a1
> /home/Shared/a1
> We even made GUI utilities for managing shared folders based on the
> teachers/students group, but it's currently only in Greek:
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/sch-scripts/trunk/view/head:/sch-scripts/shared_folders.py
> It's really a shame that they haven't put support for this in all *nix
> filesystems though.

Thanks, Alkis.  This looks like "the greatest thing since sliced bread."

After having a first look at the dazzling completeness of the manpage, I 
found this page of cropped instructions for a simple application like 
the one I envision: 
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Bindfs-SharedDirectoryLocalUsers. I 
hope that it will be an easier place for me to get startedwith this.

But it says that due to a bug in mountall, for Ubuntu 9.10 and up the 
fstab method of starting this at boot time does not work, but instead 
prescribes an upstart method.  Do you know if the upstart method is 
still required?
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