Ok...new issue...how to get Epoptes running with LDAP users

David Trask dtrask at vcsvikings.org
Sat Aug 11 19:54:52 UTC 2012


I got localapps running on my single nic Edubuntu (12.04) server...Epoptes
works...I can see all the workstations...shut them down...etc.  But the
only hitch is when I try to broadcast my own screen to someone who is
logged in via LDAP (Likewise) it says it is unable to connect to host:
connection refused.  EVERYTHING else works...except boradcasting my screen
to theirs.  Any ideas?

David Trask
Technology Director/Teacher
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at vcsvikings.org
(207) 923-4305

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