Firefox caching to NFS mounted home directories killing disk IO on file server

Emmanuel Le Normand Emmanuel.Le-Normand at
Fri Nov 18 12:31:02 UTC 2011


On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 11:10:40 -0500
Donaldson Jeffrey <jdonaldson at> wrote:

> Good Morning,
> I then took a customized firefox.cfg file and placed it in 
> /usr/lib/firefox-7.0.1. If I launch firefox, I get an error that it 
> couldn't read the configuration file. So I downloaded the mozilla 13 
> byteshift perl script and ran it on my cfg file. Then Firefox
> launches successfully, only problem is that it doesn't seem to be
> pulling or locking any of the preferences I set in the file (most
> importantly, browser.cache.parent_directory). Can anyone tell me what
> I'm doing wrong? Or is there a better way to set Firefox to cache
> locally for all users?

Why don't you desactivate this firefox's option
"browser.cache.disk.enable" ? Cached web pages with thin client it isnt
interresting, no ?

And I googled "browser.cache.parent_directory", and the good option is

Best regard

PS: Sorry for my bad English...


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