Help! 10.04 LTSP becomes very slow to load and operate.

Jim Christiansen jim.c.christiansen at
Tue Oct 26 18:53:14 BST 2010

I've been fighting a huge slow-down of our current 10.04  ltsp 34 client
system.  I'm not running local apps, the server has 8 gigs of ram and a 6
core processor.  The cpu load is rarely over 30 or 40 % and swap is never
used.  One nic on the server attached to a 100 megabit unmanaged switch.

The slowness comes unexpectedly and a restart may not improve the situation.

The wierd part is if I fire up our old K12LTSP server things work normally
as ever...

Does anyone know how to diagnose this problem?  I don't know if our network
is saturated/maxed out, if the wiring has gone downhill and become
problematic again, or if I have an internal server setup mistake.  I'm on an
internal 192.168.1 subnet and think I've edited the system files properly.

Thanks,  Jim
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