DRBL and Technology

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 15 11:05:20 GMT 2010

Am Sonntag, den 14.11.2010, 19:23 -0500 schrieb Jonathan Carter
> I looked at the DRBL docs, and couldn't see anything it provides that
> ltsp fat clients doesn't already do. Could you elaborate on why you
> believe that it's a "no-brainer"?
last time i looked at DRBL (which is admittedly several years ago) it
was built in a way that massively modifies config files, adds scripts
that unconditionally change system setup in a way that the package
system isnt aware and broken existing setups without checks etc. in that
state it wasnt integrateable at all in a distro. 

as i said, i dont know what changed within the last years, probably it
got better nowadays but at my time as active LTSP developer it seemed
more sane and less work to integrate fat clients in a sensible way than
trying to make the DRBL scripts and setup work in an unintrusive way.

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