DRBL and Technology

Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 15 00:23:05 GMT 2010

Hi Jim

On 10-11-13 10:31 AM, Jim Christiansen wrote:
> As for including DRBL in Edubuntu it would seem to be a no-brainer.  We
> can't hold up progress, we've got to embrace it and roll with
> it every step of the way.  I'm in a school where the Principals have
> always been supportive of Linux and LTSP.  From comparisons of down-time
> to maintenance and dollars spent they appreciate what Linux and LTSP has
> to offer.  Maybe DRBL is next in line for adoption.

I looked at the DRBL docs, and couldn't see anything it provides that
ltsp fat clients doesn't already do. Could you elaborate on why you
believe that it's a "no-brainer"?


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