LDAP client question

Jim Christiansen jim.c.christiansen at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 17:35:47 GMT 2010

Do you need to re-make/build the nis/yp make file?  I can't remember the
jargon, but after adding new users you need to rebuild the nis database if I
rmember.  I've been stuck on that for an hour or two in the past.

Well ... I tried following what I thought were the correct instructions for
getting ubuntu to authenticate against my existing ldap server (which is
based on RHEL 5).  After installing auth-config and ldap-auth-config,
answering all of the questions, specifying the existing ldap server using an
IP address ... etc. I couldn't use su - someuser to become that user. The
error was simply "user not found" .. So, I
locatedhttp://mcwhirter.com.au/node/25 which also mentioned
modifications.  On my CentOS LTSP servers, the changes mentioned exist, so I
added the changes on this ubuntu server. And ... I could then su - someuser
and I was logged in as that user in the correct (nfs-mounted) home

I then logged out and tried to log in at the console as that user. It
doesn't work.  So ... I ssh'ed into the server as that user which did work.
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