Teachers and Edubuntu and more

Jordan Erickson jerickson at logicalnetworking.net
Tue Jan 19 21:36:52 GMT 2010

Scott Balneaves wrote:
> Sooooo..... Who's going to produce us some content? :)

sbalneav, always with the call to action ;)  Why can't we just think 
about it forever? Let us dream... ;)

> Is there already standard content out there with moodle/whatever we could ship?
> Can someone create some content for us?

Teachers have content..might not be in moodle/whatever, but I'm sure I 
could learn Moodle and start doing some translating/importing. I've been 
trying to figure out a new/better way to be involved with the project, 
and this sounds like it'd be fun...so, me, and whoever else wants to 
help me out and speed up the effort!


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