nautilus brower icon missing?

Scott Balneaves sbalneav at
Thu Feb 25 13:54:30 GMT 2010

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 08:22:17AM -0500, David Hopkins wrote:
> If has been brought to my attention that on none of the students using the
> new server (Edubuntu 9.10, LTSP5) have a Nautilus browser icon on their
> desktops anymore.  I have no idea why it would disappear.  Students that
> have not logged onto the new server still have the icon (e.g. those still on
> the servers using CentOS/LTSP4.2). So, how do I get the icon added back to
> the Desktop for all users?

Well, really, you don't need it since Ubuntu has the "Places" menu.
Places->Home Folder, etc.


Scott L. Balneaves | I have nothing definite to apologize for,
Systems Department | I'm just sorry about everything in general.
Legal Aid Manitoba |     -- Ashleigh Brilliant

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