edubuntu on Unity/Netbook ?

Joao Ferreira gmail joao.miguel.c.ferreira at
Thu Dec 9 11:01:41 GMT 2010

Hello all,

I belive it is possible to bring the educational packages of edubunto
into a "normal" ubuntu. Is this true ? Can this be done via synaptic or
apt ? What would be the simplest way ?

Can the same process be acomplished on the 10.10 Netbook Edition with
the new Unity interface ? Will things integrate smoothly ?

I've been a Debian user for some years now. At home, my sons and wife
use Ubuntu for some time too. Now I bought a netbook pc and I wish to
install the Netbook edition on it. And I also wish to load it with all
the edubuntu education stuff for my kids.

Thank you


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