Mentoring for improving wiki pages?

David Groos djgroos at
Mon Aug 16 23:44:22 BST 2010

WOW!  Faster than iTALC and pretty easy to install as well.  I'll be letting
you know how this continues--Now to translate some button names--or alkisg
would you do them since I can't copy paste them into a translator?  I'll
make it a neat write up though and put it into the wiki when I've tested it
a bit more.  This is cool :)


On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 1:23 AM, Alkis Georgopoulos <alkisg at>wrote:

> Στις 15-06-2010, ημέρα Τρι, και ώρα 20:30 -0500, ο/η David Groos έγραψε:
> > alkisg told me about a series of scripts that sound great that he uses
> > instead of iTALC so I'm going to give them a try.  I'll be writing
> > instructions on doing these tasks instead of iTALC unless I move back
> > to using iTALC.
> It's a Greek app that we developed to meet the needs of our local
> schools:
> I'd like to internationalize and generalize it, but I'm starting my phd
> so I won't have time to do it in the next 2 years. I'd be glad to help
> if some python/shell programmer wants to do it, though.
> It only works on Lucid. The toolbar buttons should replace most of iTalc
> functionality, and are:
> Wake on lan (the clients should be declared with their macs/hostnames in
> lts.conf for this to work - that's done from the -greek- menus), Logoff,
> Reboot, Shutdown, Broadcast teacher screen, End broadcast, Execute a
> command on the clients, Lock student screens, Unlock student screens,
> and Client properties.
> The screen broadcasting is about 5 times faster than iTalc, and in my
> experience, it's much much more stable. The clients and the users are
> autodetected LIVE as they become available - there's no need to put them
> in a configuration file. The client daemon only needs 1 MB RAM (=it's
> just a /bin/sh). xvnc4viewer is automatically called on demand.
> The teacher broadcasting also works in the ldm login screen, where the
> users have not logged on yet.
> Currently the teacher needs to have sudo rights to run the GUI, but for
> the "classroom management" part this requirement could be easily
> dropped, as the GUI communicates with the networking backend over a unix
> socket owned by some group. So it's very easy to make it so that it can
> be used by anyone in the "teachers" group.
> The fat/thin chroot generation wizard won't be useful outside of Greece
> as it is though, as it's too much focused on local schools. If some
> programmer wanted it'd be nice if he generalized it though, as the
> generated fat chroot allows for mixed labs (both thin+fat clients can
> boot off of it) with min RAM=64Mb. It's working amazingly well.
> To sum up: DON'T install it on any production environments without
> trying it on a test lab first, and DON'T install it if you're not happy
> with only understading the toolbar (the rest is in Greek) :)
> More on this in 2 years. Cheers!
> --
> Some basic instructions for dgross:
> On the server:
>  * sudo add-apt-repository
>  * sudo apt-get update
>  * sudo apt-get install sch-scripts
got the message that *restarting DNS forwarder and DHCP server ndsmasq
dnsmasq: failed to bind DHCP server socket: Address already in use.
alkisg on #edubuntu said that his scripts use dnsmasq not what I'm currently
using: dhcp-3-server.

>   This depends on (=installs) ltsp-server and also it sets up dnsmasq
>   in ProxyDHCP mode.
>   (
> On the chroot:
>  * sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ \
>     /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list.d
>  * sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386
>  * apt-get update
got an error about 'W GPG error: ... because the public key is not available
(mentioned the pub key which turned out to be a greek one, alkisg's, I'd
So, I did a command that added that and re-updated.
it installed 2 files and said that the sch-scripts or something had started
and gave a process number.

>  * apt-get install sch-client
I also did apt-get upgrade

>  * exit
>  * sudo ltsp-update-image
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