LTSP-Cluster Howto for Ubuntu 9.10

uwe uwe.geercken at
Sun Oct 11 11:10:49 BST 2009

thank you. this is a very good tutorial! I was looking for something
like that.

I need to get 2 more machines and then I will try to setup a cluster for
understanding how it works.

thanks for sharing.

uwe geercken

Am Freitag, den 09.10.2009, 15:18 +0300 schrieb Asmo Koskinen:
> I just made a LTSP-cluster howto for Ubuntu 9.10.
> It is very basic (no NFS or openLDAP), but this howto is for testing and 
> studying purpose - something to start. LTSP-Cluster works out-of-box!
> And yes, once again, correct my finglish, thank you.
> Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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