?users-admin default /home/user permissions?

Klaus Ade Johnstad klaus at skolelinux.no
Wed Nov 4 14:13:15 GMT 2009

 Onsdag 4. november 2009 14.40.30 skrev Dagfinn Stangeland :
> I've set the umask from 022 to 007(), that works for general dir and
>  file behaviour, but it didn't affect users-admin.

Yes, that has not anything to do with the newly created homedirs.

> Anyone in the know on this?

One way would be to change the permisson on /etc/skel itself (if that 
tool uses /etc/skel), since that normally is the "birthplace" of newly 
created homedirs, or have a look at /etc/adduser.conf or 

> Dagfinn

Klaus Ade
klaus at bzz.no
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