?users-admin default /home/user permissions?

Dagfinn Stangeland jodgipost at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 13:40:30 GMT 2009

I'm on edubuntu 8.04.3 which is continually updated.
The system runs as an LTSP server and has about 120 users.

When I use the users-admin tool to make new users the newly created user's
home folder gets these permissions: drwxr-xr-x.

I find it strange that others has r and x permissions and I definitely don't
want that in our environment.

I've read and searched around without finding any way to get users-admin to
change it's default behaviour.

I've set the umask from 022 to 007(), that works for general dir and file
behaviour, but it didn't affect users-admin.

Anyone in the know on this?

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