[Ltsp-discuss] File Copy vs File Move when transferring files in /home

Jordan Erickson jerickson at logicalnetworking.net
Mon May 18 23:34:59 BST 2009


The default behavior for Nautilus when dragging/dropping files within 
the same filesystem is to Move it. I did a quick search in GConf and 
couldn't find any option to change this behavior, but I might have 
missed it.

Would instructing the students to right-click and "Copy", then "Paste" 
into the 'Drop' folder be too much? I know it seems like there should be 
a way to configure the drag/drop feature. As a sidenote, if the 
destination folder is on a different filesystem, the default behavior is 
to copy. Seems like all of this should be configurable in GConf.


John Hansen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running Edubuntu 8.04 with LTSP. In /home, I have a "Drop" folder
> (/home/Drop) that students have write only privileges to for dropping in
> assignments for teachers to grade from the thin clients. Problem is, when
> students transfer their projects into the Drop folder, the system does a file
> move instead of a file copy. This moves the file from their directory which is
> also in /home, leaving the student without a copy or backup.
> What do I need to change so that when a file is transferred from a students
> home directory (/home/student), to the Drop folder (/home/Drop) a copy is
> transferred and not just moved.
> Thanks,
> John
> -----------
> John Hansen
> Director of IT
> Cotter Schools
> 1115 W. Broadway
> Winona, MN 55987
> (507) 453-5000 ext. 5199
> support at winonacotter.org

Jordan Erickson
Owner, Logical Networking Solutions

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