What user management software do you use?

Jordan Erickson jerickson at logicalnetworking.net
Wed Jan 14 17:39:27 GMT 2009

I second that. I've never been able to see Sabayon fully work in *buntu 
due to the crashing issues in 
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sabayon/+bug/150068 . I know 
its potential is absolutely golden for those who are afraid of the 
shell, and/or simply want a very intuitive, easy to use tool to shape 
what their users see on a group type basis.


M Rathburn wrote:
>> Last night LaserJock told me that Sabayon isn't being developed ...
> -----------------------
> Gotta tell ya', I swapped from using LTSP on F9 because of a major CUPS
> issue (which looks like it's been fixed in the latest update from CUPS),
> along with the superb documentation available for Edubuntu.  While using F9,
> Sabayon was the cat's meow!  Worked flawlessly.  It does exactly what you're
> describing.  Just a few clicks and the users of your choice suddenly get a
> new environment.
> I'd like to see Sabayon on Ubuntu get back on track.  I'd even be willing to
> contribute monetarily!  Time is money, and doing it the manual way is very
> costly.

Jordan Erickson
Owner, Logical Networking Solutions

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