ldm numlock

Pierre Yann Baco pbaco at carlit.net
Fri Sep 12 11:22:49 BST 2008

Scott Balneaves a écrit :
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 10:35:41PM +0200, Pierre Yann Baco wrote:
>> BTW, I've just tried Scott' suggestion (adding a numlockx script in 
>> /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ldm/rc.d/, like "S20-numlockx-on") but no success.
> Since you seem to be there live right now, care to try the setleds thing I just
> posted in the ldm screen script?
> Cheers,
> Scott
1°) I've tried your suggestion, i.e. adding a call to numlockx in 
${CHROOT}/usr/lib/ltsp/screen.d/ldm script, right before the call the 
ldm binary.

It does not work, as X is not started yet at this stage. X starts AFTER 
the ldm binary.

2°) Replacing the call to numlockx by a call to "setleds -D +num" does 
work....for 1/2 second: as soon as the ldm binary takes control, NumLock 
led goes off.

I guess the only solution would be to call numlockx or setleds from the 
ldm binary...


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