ldm numlock

Jordan Erickson jerickson at logicalnetworking.net
Thu Sep 11 22:45:11 BST 2008

Hey Scott,

Thanks for looking into this. Let us know how it turns out!

- Jordan

Scott Balneaves wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 01:18:55PM -0700, Jordan Erickson wrote:
>> Jeez.. Sorry for confusion, Scott you weren't the one I talked to, it 
>> was vagrantc.
>> Apparently the reason numlockx doesn't work for LDM is that it gets 
>> launched AFTER LOGIN (xsession.d script). This was the issue that halted 
>> my own research.
> So, it does work, but just after the user logs in?  You want it enabled while
> the user is still sitting at the login prompt?
> If that's the case, then just shoehorn it into the ldm screen script somewhere.
> Say, in ${CHROOT}/usr/lib/ltsp/screen.d/ldm, around line 110, just before the
> call to ldm itself:
> you could do the
> if [ -n "${LDM_NUMLOCK}" ]; then
>     numlockx "${LDM_NUMLOCK}"
> fi
> there.  Like I say, you'll just need to install numlockx in the chroot, and
> ltsp-update-image on it.
> Hmmm....
> A quick bit of giggling has revealed that setleds is already installed, and
> appears to work.
> So, perhaps the ldm screen script could do a:
> if [ -n "${LDM_NUMLOCK}" ]; then
>     setleds -D +num
> fi
> and of course, rebuild the image.
> I'll try this tonight.  It wouldn't require a new package to be added.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> (who never, ever uses the numlock key)

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