ldm numlock

Pierre Yann Baco pbaco at carlit.net
Thu Sep 11 21:35:41 BST 2008

Jordan Erickson a écrit :

> Apparently the reason numlockx doesn't work for LDM is that it gets 
> launched AFTER LOGIN (xsession.d script). This was the issue that halted 
> my own research.
That's what I realized too. With GDM (used with LTSP4.2), you could edit 
/etc/gdm/Init/Default to start numlockx BEFORE the greeter. But 
/etc/X11/Xsession.d/scripts are only launched AFTER a successful login.

I guess there was some misunderstanding about WHEN I'd like to get 
NumLock on: right BEFORE ldm greeter is displayed (user unknown at this 
stage) and not AFTER (session started).

BTW, I've just tried Scott' suggestion (adding a numlockx script in 
/opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ldm/rc.d/, like "S20-numlockx-on") but no success.


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