8.04 ltsp +slow
David Van Assche
dvanassche at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 14:42:13 BST 2008
The 2 are related... you can in fact use any of the following in
the lts.conf:
True, true, False, false, Yes, yes, No, no
The second part of the question is more difficult
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Uwe Geercken <uwe.geercken at datamelt.com> wrote:
> hi and "Moin, Moin"
> I am a little bit puzzled now: some documentation I found on lts.conf
> tlaks about:
> you and other sources talk about
> NBD_SWAP=True|False
> which one should I use in ltsp5.
> also, so far my biggest problems are on the network side. what is the
> easiest way of monitoring the traffic volume on the network between
> the server and the clients? I would like to use this to determine if
> certain changes to settings are better or worst. also I could use it
> to monitor application traffic.
> tks for help.
> uwe
> Zitat von Kai Wüstermann <k.wuestermann at gmx.de>:
>> Moin Uwe and Ken!
>> You only need NBD-swap if your client-RAM is lower than 256mB. My
>> experences on gutsy showed, that I could switch of NBD-swap on clients
>> with 128mB saving network traffic.
>> It should be a dirty, but fast fix to switch off the swap with
>> NBD_SWAP = false.
>> The updated documentation
>> http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/LtspDocumentationUpstream
>> says:
>> 3.1.4. Thin Client Ram
>> The bare minimum for a thin client to work is about 48MB, but it will be
>> unusably slow, so it is recommended to install at least 128MB Ram, with
>> 256MB Ram if you can spare it. This will really help speed up thin
>> clients.
>> If you have a root password in your chroot, you can lock on the terminal
>> (Alt+F1) on the client and use free -m to look if the client uses any
>> swap.
>> Kai Wüstermann
> --
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