Help with setting up Edubuntu Server and Client
plettpc at
Thu Jan 10 05:15:06 GMT 2008
Charles Austin wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2008 4:39 PM, Craig Birrell <craig at
> <mailto:craig at>> wrote:
> Hi
> I am new to linux, but I have set up a small network with Ubuntu.
Hi and Welcome!
> I have attempted to get things working with out success. I have
> install Edubuntu 7.10 which has 2 network cards. One card is
> connected to the ADSL router (Dlink 514) (static ip set
> 192.1068.0.254) and the other (no ip set) is connected to a 10/100
> switch. I have attempted to connect a computer (BIOS set for network
> boot) to the 10/100 switch - no luck. I believe the Dlink 514 router
> has dhcp activated, if that makes a difference.
Option 1< Ok, It's not necessary to turn off the dlinks dhcp because all
dhcp requests will be terminated here, On the server lets say eth0 (
card connected to dlink) set to dhcp to recieve it's inet ip and have
net access, Done, The other dlink clients live obliviously on. Then
for your edubuntu clients side eth1( card connected to your 10/100 must
have a static IP set ie' ,Done.
Now your dhcp server setup /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf should be activated on
eth1 *only*. If u did a default install it should might just be needed
to change the IP's refered in this file to whatever u decide.
> You need to turn that off, and assign a static IP to your server.
> <> is the "default" that some of the thin
> client scripts are expecting.
> There are other computers also connected to the Dlink ADSL router.
> As long as DHCP is off on the router, that is fine for a small number
> of clients.
> I have read a number of articles on Edubuntu and Ubuntu forum, the
> more I read the more confused I get
> I would appreciated some help - these are some of my questions,
> please feel free to add suggestions-
> 1. Once Edubuntu is installed, is there anything else that needs
> to be activated, such as the server or anything for the client?
> Just a few things left to do manually after the install:
> copy /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/doc/ltsp-client-core/examples/lts.conf to
> /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/
> 1.
> 2. Do any changes or setting need to be made for dhcp settings?
> You might need to check the /etc/ltsp/dhcp.conf file to make sure it has
> the right settings for your network. If you make changes to it, restart
> dhcp: sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
> Make sure DHCP is off in your DSL modem.
> 1.
> 2. Booting clients, I have read about network booting, but how is
> it possible to boot from a cd or from a harddrive?
Should this read how is network booting possible?
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