Bringing 3D Game Design To Kids

Platinum Arts platinumarts at
Wed Feb 6 15:36:12 GMT 2008

Hi, my name is Mike and I'm currently a substitute teacher and at night I
teach game design at a local college.  Also I'm helping to start (and teach
for) an after school program at a local highschool.  I'm currently working
on an open source and free to download 3D game design program that is kid
friendly called Platinum Arts Sandbox.  It is located at
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net  The goal is to make it as easy as possible for
kids (and adults) to make their own 3D games and worlds.  It is currently
being used at a Middle School in Illinois, it was used at a kids camp to
teach this past summer, and will be used in that after school program.  I'm
hoping to get it into more schools around me and so far the school district
I work in has shown interest but it hasn't been used there quite yet.  I
would be really interested in feedback from other educators as to how this
software could help them and also any suggestions for it.  It is very much a
labor of love for me and I'm really interested in bringing game design to
more kids.  If you do happen to use it in your school programs or with your
kids please let me know because I love to hear success stories and how it is
being received.  Also I'm very willing to hear any and all suggestions from
the kids.  Thanks for your time.  Take care.
PS If anyone is having trouble with the linux binary please let me know
because I believe there is an updated version in our SVN.
Check out http://PlatinumArts.Net !
It features movie reviews, stories, free video games and more!
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