call for spec suggestions

Harry Sweet hsweet at
Thu Apr 10 17:59:03 BST 2008

Thanks for asking.  here are a few things I would like to see. (Maybe they are already in Hardy.)

Some improvements to Thin Client Manager would be welcome.  Especially an easy way
to view the student desktops.

Easier ways to lock Firefox/ web browser settings. 

Maybe a make (a lot of)  user accounts from a list script.  I know there is stuff for that or you can write your own but it might be nice to have that available out of the box.

It's already excellent.   

>>> Oliver Grawert <ogra at> 4/9/2008 8:25 AM >>>

as we're nearing the release its about time to collect some input on
educational specs to work on in intrepid ibex (8.10)

as you might have noticed edubuntu changed a lot in hardy ...

i.e. things that are definately server related (network auth for example
or most parts of ltsp ....) will in the future be handled by the server
or platform teams, all plain educational duties will still be handled in
the edubuntu team though. 

so i'm looking for valuable input on specs to work on for intrepid that
are plainly edu related, feel free to forward this mail to forums or
other public places so we get a good list :)

two specs that i have on my radar already are for example:

* improvement and more automation of italc classroom management (get the
usability for key handling right, automatically detect classrooms)

* edubuntu menus: group or task driven menu setups (science students
should only have science apps in the menu etc ...) probably even
attached to a schedule that automatically reshuffles the menu depending
on the lesson you give/get

feel free to add more :)


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