Does Add-on turn Desktop into Server?

ivory williams eyewms at
Tue Apr 1 20:07:40 BST 2008

I remember reading that Edubuntu was being rolled into an add-on starting with Hardy. That being so, would someone please EDUCATE me and explain the difference in the following links:

A. 'Ubuntu Educational Add-on requires a Ubuntu desktop already be installed'.

1. Does this mean that the Add-on converts the desktop to a server?
2. Or is a 'Server' as previously existed in prior versions not need?
3. Will the Add-on work for the Ubuntu Server?

B. However, the following link provide both Classroom Server and Classroom Server Add-on images for platforms other than i386.

1. Does this mean that if [section A.above] doesn't provide a server, one must change to this platform to obtain a server setup?

C. Or did I completely misunderstand???!!!


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