edubuntu ltsp not pretty

Ross Armstrong rossrtfm at
Thu Sep 27 17:51:54 BST 2007

I have started over.
I am using edubuntu  7.04.
server install is complete with no issues.
client PXE is responding.  I get an address and then the edubuntu splash
screen appears

The client computer hangs at the splash screen.  ???

I have checked for and verified the install and running of the tftpd
server.  It seems fine according to many sites that point to this issue.

I am stuck again, but further down the road.  I think I see light ahead.

Any help is appreciated.



On 9/27/07, Oliver Grawert <ogra at> wrote:
> hi,
> Am Donnerstag, den 27.09.2007, 00:45 +0000 schrieb Jay Perez:
> > Have found a few items that I think may be bugs but again,
> if something bugs you in any way (even small annoyances) please file
> them, we want to become the best OS out there and need any user help and
> input we can get ... if its not a bug (the devs will close it again :)
> ciao
>         oli
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