edubuntu ltsp not pretty

Sameer Verma sverma at
Thu Sep 27 07:56:57 BST 2007

Ross Armstrong wrote:
> I have installed Edubuntu 7.04 and 6.06 both install quite nicely, but 
> neither show all LTSP services running, and both won't allow any 
> client connections.  In fact, the client will not get a DHCP address.
> (I did boot the client in to XP and set the IP to the same range as 
> the client NIC, and I could ping the edubuntu server - all 
> connectivity is good).
> (I did use a boot ROM and did get an IP from a different LTSP server - 
> so the ROM is good too.)
> ltspadmin on 6.06.1 shows all services running except Xdmcp, which is 
> not installed.  And it doesn't want to install in either version.
> Any input would be great.
> Thanks
> -- 
> Ross Armstrong
> Know where you're going or you won't know when you've arrived 
We did an install of Edubuntu 7.04 a few days ago. The clients PXEboot 
without any setup. When I boot the clients into Windows XP, I get 
addresses, but the internal NIC on the server does not forward to the 
external NIC. You'll have to do that by setting up forwarding on the 
server. When the clients boot up in PXEBoot mode, the apps all run off 
the server, so routing to the outside is not a problem.

Hope this helps.


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

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