tips for Opera users

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at
Mon Sep 17 09:02:28 BST 2007


On Sun, 16 Sep 2007, Jim Kronebusch wrote:

> On Sat, 15 Sep 2007 15:37:12 -0700, john wrote
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > We've gone with Opera rather than firefox in an effort to overcome
> > crashing and freezing for folks who use
> > Flash/PulseAudio/libflashsupport
> Thanks John, I will check your tips out on Monday as I need to use Opera until I can
> figure out how to build a stupid firefox with a patch that should fix the pixmap bug
> (Firefox is a bastard to build from source).

Not having built firefox, I can't really argue.  However, I've always found
that any ubuntu/debian package could be rebuilt with something like:

	apt-get install devscripts
	apt-get build-dep <package>
	apt-get source <package>
	cd <package-dir>
	debbuild -us -uc

as described here:

Is this not true of firefox or is it the patch that causes the problem?


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