Thin client problems

Kai Wüstermann k.wuestermann at
Fri Sep 7 15:01:17 BST 2007

Moin Dave!

Am Donnerstag, den 06.09.2007, 12:58 -0600 schrieb Dave Cabot:

> 3) I've got the x11vnc installed and running on the clients and I can view
> them from the thin client manager, but when I click on Share Screen nothing
> happens.

That's what i did:
                      * sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 
                        mount -t proc proc /proc
                      * aptitude
                              * install: x11vnc 
                              * insert to/etc/rc.local:
                                x11vnc -display :6 -forever -loop
                                -shared &
                              * mv /etc/rc2.d/K99rc.local /etc/rc2.d/S99rc.local
                      * exit

Restart thin-client

It's from a howto which address i can't remember

Kai Wüstermann


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