Beta Fl_TeacherTool for Edubuntu

Robert Arkiletian robark at
Thu Sep 6 23:59:21 BST 2007

Good grief :) I should have read your last post first.

On 9/6/07, Jim Kronebusch <jim at> wrote:
> Well I boot up a client and log into ctrl+alt+f1 and log in.  I installed htop into the
> client chroot for easier troubleshooting.  I run htop and find x11vnc running owned by
> root.  I then switch back to ctrl+alt+f1 and log in.  I check screen 1 and htop still
> shows x11vnc running.  I switch back to screen7 and logout, then back to screen1, now
> x11vnc process is gone and I cannot use vnc modules of fl_teachertool.

Well you found the problem. Why is x11vnc dying on logout? I don't
know. I'll try to see if my box behaves the same as yours tonight.

Robert Arkiletian
Eric Hamber Secondary, Vancouver, Canada
C++ GUI tutorial

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