Beta Fl_TeacherTool for Edubuntu

Robert Arkiletian robark at
Thu Sep 6 23:51:58 BST 2007

On 9/6/07, Jim Kronebusch <jim at> wrote:
> I think somehow the xterminator program is killing x11vnc.  When I reboot the client and
> log in the first time, I can mOnitor or Control the client.  Once I logout and log back
> in things stop working.  If I reboot the client and login things work, logout and in,
> dead again.  Very repeatable.

Okay then disregard my previous idea about vncpasswd.

> Robert, how is x11vnc ran, which user owns it?  I asked Matt and he said the xterminator
> program should only kill processes owned by the logging in user.

As far as I know x11vnc is run by root of the CLIENT not the server. I
*think* it's run as a module of the X server. But I don't really
understand ltsp 5 details all that well.

> What do I check on the client to be sure x11vnc is still running properly?

Good question, not sure if it would even show up as a process on the
client console. It might  just be embedded within X11. No harm
checking. Get to the client console and do some poking with ps.

Robert Arkiletian
Eric Hamber Secondary, Vancouver, Canada
C++ GUI tutorial

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