Beta Fl_TeacherTool for Edubuntu

Robert Arkiletian robark at
Wed Sep 5 20:42:43 BST 2007

On 9/5/07, Jim Kronebusch <jim at> wrote:
> > this should be sudo cp -a /root/.vnc /opt/ltsp/i386/root/
> >
> > Everything else looks okay. But this should not affect being able to
> > view user processes, just control/monitor. BTW I have not enabled
> Okay, /root did not contain a .vnc folder.  I guess I assumed that I should copy
> /home/vncuser/.vnc since that is where I started the vnc4server app from to create
> files.  So I just ran sudo su then /usr/bin/vncpasswd and /usr/bin/vnc4server to create
> the .vnc directory in root.  I then uncommented the lines and copied with cp -a
> /root/.vnc /opt/ltsp/i386/root/ (skipped sudo since I was already superuser).

setting up vncuser is only for broadcasting. But copying .vnc from
/root is for monitor/control. So you did not need to run vnc4server as
root, only vncpasswd.

> Rebooted client and tried sudo fl_teachertool.  Still didn't work.  I don't see
> processes when selecting view, and get the following error when selecting mOnitor and
> Control:
> VNC viewer version 3.3.7 - built Mar  8 2007 21:56:52
> Copyright (C) 2002-2003 RealVNC Ltd.
> Copyright (C) 1994-2000 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.
> See for information on VNC.
> Couldn't convert 'mmeurer' to host address
> Unable to connect to VNC server
> "mmeurer" is the user logged into the client I want to monitor.
> Well, I just turned off LDM_DIRECTX=True in lts.conf......and everything works :-)

That's great. Let me know if there are any bugs.

> Good catch Robert.  I guess for now I'll do some testing and see if I can just run with
> X encrypted.

Hmm. I'll see if I can enable directx and find a solution.

Robert Arkiletian
Eric Hamber Secondary, Vancouver, Canada
C++ GUI tutorial

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