About nvidia 7000m

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 11:40:21 BST 2007


On Mon, 03 Sep 2007, oedha at netscape.net wrote:

>  I've tried your advices......but none of them are working :)
> should i download Edubuntu -7.10 tribe 5 ??? 

To be honest when all you keep saying is "not working", it's impossible for
us to know what your problem is.  It's possible using the test version will
help, but it may well not help at all.

You need to tell us _exactly_ what you've done, in what sense it did not
work, what errors you got, what actually happened.

Vesa should generally work so unless this is a very unusual card, you've
probably made a mistake somewhere.


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