control of internet access

Stefano Rivera ubuntu-edubuntu-devel at
Tue Nov 13 15:06:26 GMT 2007

Hi Bill (2007.11.13_16:34:25_+0200)
> > > i have installed a dansguardian and squid on my main server.
> > > But how do a sett se that the edu terminal server uses that proxy for all
> > > clients that connect ??
> > 
> > A transparent proxy is usually the easiest way.
> > 
> >
> Can a transparent proxy work with https?  What about web sites that
> are not on port 80?

No filtering can work with https.

And the first rule of filtering is that you won't succeed. You can do a
good job, and make it hard to view things people shouldn't, but you
can't stop them. The internet is an end-to-end system. Provide *any*
access, and people can work out a way to do whatever they want over it.

You need policy, to deal with these issues, not a technical solution.
(Although a technical solution will go a long way.)


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 794 7937   C: +27 72 419 8559

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