SOLVED Re: do I need to do something special to use more than 4 Gigs under Feisty?
lists.john at
Thu May 31 22:29:49 BST 2007
Hi Gavin,
Ok, I installed Munin to learn more about it. Once I get this box up
and running in some semi permanent way, I'll collect some stats if you
think that would be useful.
Thanks for your help.
On 5/31/07, Gavin McCullagh <gmccullagh at> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 30 May 2007, john wrote:
> > Installing the Linux-Image-Server did the trick for memory support and
> > all is well with the LTSP clients.
> It would be interesting to hear how you get on with this.
> I've never had more than a passing understanding of PAE. I know there to
> be limitations in that the extra memory can't be used in as simple a way as
> the first 4GB and that there can be a "cost" to this, but I've never been
> clear whether it was a cost worth paying sometimes or always (I presume
> it's useful at least sometimes). I've also heard some people raise
> questions about whether all drivers would be perfectly stable but this may
> not be a big concern.
> Regardless of the PAE stuff, as 8GB RAM with 32-bit Edubuntu and 80-100
> users is probably a fairly unusual configuration for edubuntu it would be
> great if you could let us know how you get on after a month or two up and
> running. I'd be particularly interested in the stability, perceived
> responsiveness under load and what sort of RAM usage you see in practice.
> If you have time to set it up it would be interesting to monitor the server
> using something like munin.
> We could probably be of some help with that onlist if you needed it.
> My instincts would usually have been to stick with 32-Bit Ubuntu on 4GB
> RAM, but if this works well, that would be very useful to know.
> Gavin
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