FIXED was: Edubuntu Server 7.04/LTSP broken or am I just not paying attention?

john lists.john at
Tue May 29 23:18:38 BST 2007

Well it turns out I WASN'T paying attention, when I should have
entered ip info for eth1. So I am an idiot. I brought up eth1 gave it
the right IP info, rebooted (since I had just finished updating
everything else) and I was off to the races.

For the record, re-reading this page set me straight.

Very sorry for the plaintive whine!



>Hi all,

>Having done several installs using LTSP 4.2 and Ubuntu 6.06 over the
>past year I wanted to see what the state of Edubuntu was.

>I just installed edubuntu 7.04 on my test server. During the install I
>noticed that the text based wizard halted at"install  ltsp", I hit
>enter and the installer did something and then brought be back to the
>original screen. Crossing my fingers I moved on to "install grub",
>pulled my cd, rebooted and got my very pretty Edubuntu Server Desktop.

>However my second nic isn't up automatically and my clients aren't
>recieving dhcp on the 192/24 subnet. Do I have a broken install or
>does "working out of the box" need a bit of clarification?

>Also Is this the current state of the art
> or is there more
>current documentation?

>Thanks for your advice!


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