Edubuntu 7.04 new install

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at
Tue May 29 19:46:02 BST 2007


On Tue, 29 May 2007, Ray Garza wrote:

> I'm trying out Edubuntu 7.04 to see if I like it over K12LTSP 6.0. I have
> the system installed and hooked up a PC that I've used for the K12 setup.
> It boots and I get a logon screen.

Sounds like you've moreorless got it working.

> I created a user on the Server but I cannot logon the terminal. After
> username and password I get a black screen with the X then it goes back
> to the logon screen. I can logon to the server with the same user and
> password so, I know I have that info correct.

Try logging in on the server and running

	sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys

and then try logging in from a client again.

When you login from a client, what actually happens is a secure (ssh)
connection opens up between the client and the server.  This involves
verifying the server's key.  If the server changes IP address, the key no
longer matches and at the moment, things fail silently.  This is to be
rectified soon hopefully.

> I checked the /var/log/auth.log and I see the entries for when I logged
> on the server but I don't see anything from the terminal.

If the above solution works, that makes sense.

We really have to start up up a FAQ.  Does anyone know where best we do
this?  The wiki presumably?


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