Using Wine: Seterra on Edubunto

Daniel J. Summers daniel at
Mon May 21 01:54:32 BST 2007

Lou Synnestvedt wrote:
> Minor Problem:  I could not figure out a way to make a direct desktop 
> shortcut to this program.  My work around was simply to copy the whole 
> seterra folder onto the desktop where it could be easily opened and 
> the program started.  This is not tidy, but it's easier to find this way.
Did you try to make a shortcut to

wine "C:\Program Files\[wherever seterra is]\seterra.exe"

?  In my experience, you can make it work by forming a shortcut with a 
target like this.  (You can also do it without the quotes, but then you 
have to escape every backslash and space.  It's easier to just put the 
thing in quotes, unless the options you have to pass to the win 
executable file need quotes.)

Daniel J. Summers
E-mail - 	daniel at <mailto:daniel at>
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"Who is more irrational? A man who believes in a God he doesn't see, or 
a man who's offended by a God he doesn't believe in?" - Brad Stine

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