Help with shared folders

Jonathan Carter jonathan at
Mon May 7 22:56:40 BST 2007

Hi Alcros

Alcros wrote:
> I'm trying to setup a couple of folders with edubuntu:
> /media/data/priv            should be available only to people on the 
> "maestros" group
> /media/data/pub            should be available to every student
> The idea is that every user logged in from a thin client should have a 
> "pub" folder on her desktop where she will find any file
> that I (as a teacher) copy to /media/data/pub
> Any pointers on how to do that?
> Should I use NFS or Samba ?

You don't really need NFS or Samba (unless you plan to export to fat 
clients too), since the filesystem is technically mounted on the same 
machine you're running your X session from.

You can create a symbolic link that would put the /media/data/pub folder 
on all new user's desktops, in a terminal, you can:
$ sudo mkdir /etc/skel/Desktop
$ sudo ln -s /media/data/pub /etc/skel/Desktop/pub

Then all new users will get a "pub" folder icon on their desktop.

For access control, you will have to modify the permissions on the 
"priv" and "pub" folders. You can get the current permissions and user 
information from:
$ ls -l /media/data

You can set permissions using the chmod command, I'm not sure if this 
link has too much information for you, but if you would like a more 
complete understanding of permissions, see:

To create a group, you use addgroup:
$ sudo addgroup maestros

And to add a user to that group, you can use adduser:
$ sudo adduser alcros maestros

Ask if you get stuck!

Jonathan Carter
E-Mail: jonathan at
Mobile: +2778 108 2588
    GPG: 0xCD622E56

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