Help with shared folders

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at
Mon May 7 22:59:20 BST 2007


On Mon, 07 May 2007, Alcros wrote:

> I'm trying to setup a couple of folders with edubuntu:
> /media/data/priv            should be available only to people on the
> "maestros" group
> /media/data/pub            should be available to every student
> The idea is that every user logged in from a thin client should have a "pub"
> folder on her desktop where she will find any file
> that I (as a teacher) copy to /media/data/pub
> Any pointers on how to do that?
> Should I use NFS or Samba ?

If I understand you correctly, neither.  As all user sessions are running
on the server, all you need do is create a link on their desktop to the
folder.  This can be done with your mouse, right-clicking on the desktop,
but if you want to automatically create such a link on every existing
user's desktop, you can run this in a terminal:

	for i in `ls /home`
	sudo ln -s /media/data/pub /home/$i/Desktop/pub

which translates to "in every home directory, create a link in the Desktop
subfolder which points to /media/data/pub".

To have this link created in every new account, you can put a link in
/etc/skel (the home directory template).

	sudo mkdir /etc/skel/Desktop
	sudo ln -s /media/data/pub /etc/skel/Desktop


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