Mass User Creation

Clay Berlo clay.berlo at
Wed Jan 10 19:00:46 GMT 2007

Perhaps to make things a bit easier for future searches, you could post
an URL for that tool to this list?  I know it gets archived and I can
find pretty much anything I know has been mentioned on it through
Google.  Googling "mass user creation" seems to get a lot of Windows
UMRA hits and mention  that "you can whip up a bash script pretty
quickly..." (but no clear howtos!).

Also, I know my script could definitely use some optimization and/or
cleaning up to make it a bit more user friendly, so perhaps between the
two sources something better will evolve.

On Wed, 2007-10-01 at 14:05 -0500, David Trask wrote:

> Clay Berlo <clay.berlo at> writes:
> >Having spent the morning working out a BASH script to create batches of
> >user accounts at once, I'd like to know if anyone else would be
> >interested in this script or has a better one handy that does about the
> >same function.  Basically, my script takes FirstName LastName pairs (one
> >per line) and makes unique user accounts out of them.  It's presently
> >posted at [,
> >] but I'm not sure how long that site
> >holds on to things...
> >
> >
> > -- 
> >Clay Berlo <[ mailto:clay.berlo at ]clay.berlo at>
> >DSBN Technical Services 
> >-- 
> >edubuntu-users mailing list
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> Good work!  Although next time you might want to ask first....we already
> have one  :-)  It's part of the Samba/LDAP installer package.   I can post
> it if people want.  Matt Oquist wrote it to take first name last name and
> make unique usernames....etc.
> David N. Trask
> Technology Teacher/Director
> Vassalboro Community School
> dtrask at
> (207)923-3100

Clay Berlo <clay.berlo at>
DSBN Technical Services
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