Thin client configuration problems

DB Clinton dbclin at
Mon Dec 31 02:34:10 GMT 2007

I made the changes to my configuration files and rebooted...but I was 
still unable to boot any client to the network server.
More than that, though, I really can't get anything out of my eth1 (LAN) 
card while in Linux (although, as before, when I boot my server to 
Windows XP the whole network functions just fine). I had a friend with 
lots of Unix, Linux, FreeBSD etc., experience come over today and we 
spent a few hours playing around, but we still can't wake up eth1 - when 
we ping it ( from itself, the files are reported as going 
through, but no lights flash on the card itself and it's not possible to 
ping in or out from other machines (when they're booted to Windows) or 
get any sign of life.
Any ideas?

R. Scott Belford wrote:
> DB
> eth0 is, and should be, connected to your DSL.  You need eth1 to be 
> static *and* to match the subnet you choose in your dhcpd.conf file. 
> Note that edubuntu use /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf and not 
> /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf.  The relevant part of my /etc/network/interfaces 
> looks like this
> auto eth1
> iface eth1 inet static
>      address
>      netmask
>      network
>      broadcast

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