Thin client configuration problems

R. Scott Belford scott at
Fri Dec 28 18:22:12 GMT 2007


eth0 is, and should be, connected to your DSL.  You need eth1 to be 
static *and* to match the subnet you choose in your dhcpd.conf file. 
Note that edubuntu use /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf and not 
/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf.  The relevant part of my /etc/network/interfaces 
looks like this

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

and my /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf looks like this

# Default LTSP dhcpd.conf config file.


subnet netmask {
     option domain-name "";
     option domain-name-servers;
     option broadcast-address;
     option routers;
#    next-server;
#    get-lease-hostnames true;
     option subnet-mask;
     option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i386";
     if substring( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = "PXEClient" {
         filename "/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0";
     } else {
         filename "/ltsp/i386/nbi.img";

*note* that I modify my option routers line to set my Edubuntu server to 
be my router.  This way I keep dual booting computers on the same LAN - 
when they boot as clients - they are clients.  When they boot as windows 
workstations, they have a route out and are on the same lan as other 
computers behind your Edubuntu server.

After making these changes, reboot.  Once your server can connect to the 
Internet, and your clients can connect to the server, I would then use 
ipmasq in order to preserve port forwarding for your windows clients on 
your lan.  apt-get install ipmasq


DB Clinton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a Linux newbie trying to use my desktop Edubuntu as a thin-client 
> server for the other computers in my house. Because I was a bit nervous 
> with partitioning my hard drive (there's WinXP running there too), I 
> loaded the desktop version of Edubuntu ( 7.1.0)  through Wubi (whose 
> alpha version didn't support the server edition). Configuration has 
> been, shall we say, a challenge.
> Despite booting the clients to a rom-o-matic CD or (in the case of the 
> computer whose BIOS supports booting to a network device) to the NIC, 
> none has even got to the poing of being successfully assigned an IP 
> address.
> I suppose it's possible that there's something wrong with the 
> rom-o-matic CD I burned (or the other system's BIOS), but the fact that 
> there are still basic unresolved issues with the NICs on the server 
> suggests I should address those first:
> I think there's something wrong with my NIC configuration. At present, 
> both eth0 (attached to my DSL modem) and eth1 (attached to my wired LAN) 
> are controlled by DHCP - but I've tried all kinds of other combinations 
> to no effect.
> I'm trying to use Firestarter as my router but Firestarter always fails 
> on start, claiming that the eth1 connection isn't ready. During 
> Firestarter's setup wizard, the DHCP settings section is grayed-out.
> In addition, I haven't been able to link to the LAN computers (while 
> they're running Windows) through Samba (the appropriate Windows network 
> name does appear in smb.conf).
> Regarding my Internet connection: on boot, Ubuntu loads what appears to 
> be the correct ip info for my DSL provider on ppp0, but nevertheless 
> provides only crippled access (the network connection manager shows a 
> very limited number of packets being up and down loaded and, 
> practically, I can't actually load anything in a browser). Running poff 
> in terminal doesn't work as I get a "no pppd process for provider 
> 'ppp0'" message. pon dsl-provider does activate a working Internet 
> session on ppp1 using, for all intents and purposes, the same ip info 
> (except that my ISP provides a new dynamic ip address).
> I really appreciate any help.
> David Clinton
> Here are some conf files:

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