Edubuntu 7.10 - A Released Debacle and a Practice in Failure

Asmo Koskinen asmo.koskinen at
Wed Dec 12 07:40:43 GMT 2007

Bill Moseley kirjoitti:

> I was impressed at how easy it worked
> considering how little I knew about LTSP.

Me, too.

> And I've had kids use the clients and they seem very happy.

Me, too. Pictures:

These pictures are this one - two servers - dhcpd master and slave - 
"Mäntykankaan koulu"

> My biggest frustration is finding items on the wiki.

Me, too. My english is so bad, so I do have to do all my Wiki's in 
finnish :-)

How many of us are speaking or witing english as mother language? Me, I 
can read quite well, but writing - no way.

> I miss good old manuals.  With chapters
> and sections, logically organized.  Printed, too.

Me, too. But they all are "For Dummies". Someone should write much more 
deeper book.

Why, oh Why, Dave?

"I spent many hours thinking about ways to present this material. The 
problem is that every single reader will have completely different 
requirements, user counts, staff, software and money. It would have been 
easy to write 400 pages describing in great detail our exact thin 
clients, our exact distributions and software packages. But that 
wouldn't have been useful for most readers."

Dave has made amazing things with LTSP, but he is using Novell Suse 
10.x, hmm...

Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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