Nautilus using 100% CPU

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at
Tue Dec 4 12:01:07 GMT 2007


On Tue, 04 Dec 2007, Fredrik Jansson wrote:

> I've had similar problems, but they solved when appling the
> gnome_watchdog-script.

this suggests that nautilus programs are being left running after logout and
are getting confused taking up lots of cpu (either that or you're killing
running users' nautilus sessions).

Could you check this by running:

	ps faux  | grep -B 5 "nautilus "

This should show you a bunch of 5-line groups like this one:

joannet  15748  0.0  0.0   4224  1540 ?        S    11:49   0:00  |           \_ /bin/bash --login -c  env  LTSP_CLIENT="brooks" PULSE_SERVER=tcp: ESPEAKER= /etc/X11/Xsession && ltspfsmounter all cleanup 
joannet  15749  0.0  0.3  30068 10888 ?        Sl   11:49   0:00  |               \_ x-session-manager
joannet  15780  0.0  0.0   4252   524 ?        Ss   11:49   0:00  |                   \_ /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session x-session-manager
joannet  15847  0.0  0.1  13080  5644 ?        S    11:49   0:00  |                   \_ /usr/bin/metacity --sm-client-id=default0
joannet  15850  0.5  0.4  39260 14908 ?        S    11:49   0:01  |                   \_ gnome-panel --sm-client-id default1
joannet  15851  0.5  0.5  76264 16524 ?        S    11:49   0:00  |                   \_ nautilus --no-default-window --sm-client-id default2

This tells you that nautilus running as joannet with pid 15851 is a child of
the x-session-manager[15749], which is still also running.  If the bad one you
find is not a child of a running x-session-manager, then the chances are that
person is now logged out and nautilus hasn't closed properly.

It would make things more clear to know if the process is a child or not.


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