Database of Digitally Free Schools

M. Fioretti mfioretti at
Thu Aug 30 06:34:58 BST 2007


I am building an online database of Digitally Free Schools as 
defined at

As you can see, I have already added a link to the relevant page of
the Edubuntu Wiki.

The database, however, is primarily meant for parents who wants to
find out as quickly as possible what is the Digitally Free School
closer to where they live.

For this reason, I would like to add as many direct links as possible,
ordered by state, to web pages of specific schools or courses, from
grade one to Universities, which explicitly declare that:

- free file formats are accepted or, even better, the only ones
  admissible whenever students and school exchange files, from
  admission requests to homework, projects etc.

- and/or Free Software (of any kind, even if it's only OpenOffice on
  Windows) is officially used and/or recommended by the school, at
  least in some contexts.

On a related note, I also welcome at any moment links for the
Trashware database I'm building at

Thank you in advance for any feedback, and for spreading this request
as much as you see fit.

	Marco Fioretti


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