Edubuntu and Canonical in Russia

Anton Shaleyev interlinguamaster at
Sun Aug 19 21:43:10 BST 2007

May be you know that the Russian Federation is a country with great
number of non-legal Microsoft Windows users. In nowadays Microsoft
with our government is searching for users without license. The first
have condemned the principal of public school in Altay (Ponosov).
This is a one of reasons why a lot of users (commercial and private)
choose Linux. But in our country GPL is not legal without a
representative of legal owner.
I think the Edubuntu is the excellent OS for Education, in the any way
better and more cheaply than Windows Vista. But without representative
of Canonical we cannot use it in our educational process.
Now Russian government is looking for the OS which will satisfied all
Russian education standards for High and Middle ( like USA K12)
Today 3 legal candidates for this system: Microsoft, ALTLinux and
Mandriva. First and last have representatives in Russia. ALTLinux is
Russian firm.
Why Canonical is not interesting in the Russian governmental customer?
And how it is possible to eliminate license problems with GPL in Russia?

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